Unsavory Words

A string of words used to insult people

Friday night… so fucking what? — August 4, 2017

Friday night… so fucking what?

Yeah, it’s Friday. People gasp when they hear that I am heading to a disappointing place called home. What’s up with people saying, “You are so young and have no kids, why are you staying at home? Go out and enjoy.”

That is where I have a fucking problem with… What’s with the notion that you can only have fun if you go out on a Friday night? You cannot have fun at home?? Yes, I know when a person has kids, spending time away from home and the kids will be somewhat of a relief/break. I can understand that maybe not emphatise with but I can visualise it in my head.

People can have a good time at home. Hell, the most enjoyable time I had is always at home where I don’t have to spend plenty of money on booze and food. I have a freaking nice and awesome home. I have plenty of booze at home and they are more than half the price in bars and shit. Besides, I’m married to a woman I love. Being with her is so comfortable and relaxing that it makes no fucking sense to go out and share my breathing space with obnoxious shit heads who thinks their fucking lame and tasteless jokes are “oh so damn hilarious. All of you laugh to validate me. Laugh at that woman’s expense.”

The amount of money spent when I go out can support my lunch expense for a week. I very much prefer to use my money on some other purpose.

I go out for a purpose, to achieve certain things (mostly tangible) and get the hell out. Yes, you may say I behave like this because I’m old. Young people don’t stay at home, they go out to have the time of their lives.

Well, apparently, young people are also gifted with stupidity. So there you have it.


Hold the door — August 1, 2017

Hold the door

No, this is not about Hodor and his origins. This is about people especially women who do not say thanks when somebody holds the door for them. Be it a real physical door or the lift door. They just walk right through without looking at the person holding the door for them.

What is this?

Are we fucking invisible? Do they think the door just magically opens and stay open for them? Here it is a person who is kind and well mannered enough to hold the door for them and they don’t have the fucking courtesy to say thanks. What? You have gold ingots in your mouth? Are you afraid to drop the gold when you open your mouth or what? Fuck you! And fuck you bad.

From my observations and experience from holding doors and being the last person to exit the lift, I can say that more women tend not to say thank you when I hold the door for them. Most men tend to say thanks except the douche bags. Oh my god… who the fuck you think you are? Your balls swell so big that you think everyone should hold the door for you while your tiny wiener exits the lift huh?

Did I just said women? Yes, I did. I find that women who think they are pretty will not say thanks. They think their “beauty” warrants an entitlement that everybody else in the world has to hold the door for them. Like what?? Besides, they are not even that pretty to begin with. What do they think they have? Golden p****??

Boy? — July 24, 2017
You will be remembered — July 21, 2017

You will be remembered

Today I read about the passing of Chester Bennington. You know him as the screaming vocalist of Linkin Park. To me, he was more than just that. He was the voice that helped me through my difficult and frustrating teenage years. He gave me a voice to release the pain and hurt that life dealt me.

The helplessness, the meaningless, the bullied, the sidelined and the overlooked. He helped me deal with it all by singing (screaming) it out in Linkin Park’s songs. He connected me to others in the world who felt exactly the same as I did. He made me realised I wasn’t alone in the pain and suffering I went through. He made me realise I can rise above it all.

The fact that he took his own life is a huge shock. He took his own life on the day of Chris Cornell‘s birthday. They seem pretty close and Cornell has taken his own life back in May 2016 and sources have reported that Bennington was never the same after the passing of Cornell.

I guess when things finally overwhelmed you and you can’t take it anymore, you will choose the “no way out” and end it all.

I’m gonna talk a little bit about depression because it is real. It is not just a state where you feel sad and cry. It is a state where you are trapped viciously by a chain of thorns dragging you down with no way out. Everything seems hopeless and you are helpless to do anything to help yourself. You find no happiness in EVERYTHING you do.

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Loyalty is cheap —

Loyalty is cheap

In this world, loyalty is cheap. It is a banner without value. Its sound is loud but hollow. Yet corporate overlords begs us to uphold a quality they themselves do not possess. It is like the demon telling you to be moral. A priest coercing you to live a model life built up by his own perverse fantasy yet when you turn around accusing them of wrong doing, you find yourself crucified with your mouth sewn shut. Continue reading

VVV — July 20, 2017


To add a pinch of class to your insults, may I recommend “venomous, vicious and vile” to be added as descriptions of a person’s character.

It makes you sound classy and will leave your victim astounded for a brief moment before realising they have been insulted.

Old Nan of Winterfell — July 17, 2017

Old Nan of Winterfell

We’re so far into Game of Thrones with Season 7 premiering today. So far that we might have forgotten this clip of Old Nan telling horror stories of The Long Night and how the white walkers rode through Westeros and everybody lived in despair.

Have you have children who always want a bed time story? Tell them the story of The Long Night and see what happens.

Never be afraid to fail — July 15, 2017

Never be afraid to fail

Well, today I have touched upon a fleeting moment of inspiration from my hobby and I decide to write something a little more uplifting. I’m sure most of us some times have a business idea or an invention we want to try out or to take a leap of faith and switch careers but very few of us ever did. We just sit around and lament that life is unfair and we dream about what could have been.

Why not do something else? Why not just go the hell out and do it. This has nothing to do with being a man or being a woman. Everybody and anybody (in a free country) has the ability to do something for yourselves. I do not believe in divine intervention or blessings of some deities to guide me through my journey and make my life journey a little bit smooth sailing. My fate is in my own hands and nobody else. There is no God out there, there is no maker out there, there is no spirits who will bless me just because I did something to glorify them. I observed good and bad things happen in spite of whether these beings were glorified or whether I paid my tribute.

There is only one person who can make my life the way I want it and that person is me, nobody else. Not my wife, not my mum neither my dad. No doubt these people will give me the support I need along the way but the person who needs to lay in the hours doing the work and the effort to carry it through is ultimately myself.

So what the fuck are you waiting for? Go do something for yourself and make your day dreams come through. You only have this one life to live, what have you got to lose except your pride?

Never be afraid of failure or the jeers and scorn that comes your way. It happens. These things should not kill you. These things are ingredients to a greater and better you. As of matter of fact, failure is the greatest ingredient for you to achieve a better result but ONLY if you learn from them and not be a fucktard to repeat the same mistake.

Do me a favour — July 14, 2017

Do me a favour

People usually request for help by asking “Can you do a favour?” or “Can you help me out on this?” I’m usually quite a decent human being and will help out if it is within my means and also if I do not thoroughly hate that person. That explains why I am aloof most of the time.

The thing that fucking irks me is when somebody of a higher authority or pay grade says that same shit constantly. Because they almost never return the favour because they feel they are entitled to people doing their shit for them. Now, being a peon in a fairly big organisation, you can’t possibly say “Park your shit elsewhere, deadbeat.” You will have to do what that person asks you to.

Shame on these shitheads for abusing the word favour. You know why?? Coz these fuckers never return the fucking favour. These idiotic retards… wait…. sorry, using the word retard on these insensible shitheads is an insult on retards because they are in their state through no fault of their own. They are born with such an unfortunate circumstance.

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Abusive people — July 11, 2017

Abusive people

I’m sure we have seen abusive people be it abuse of the physical kind or the psychological one. Why does such people exists? We often hear victims of such abuses give reasons such as “Oh, he is like that since young” or “you can’t blame her, she had a rough bringing up” or “there’s a demon inside of him” or “I deserve it for being <insert any reason>”

In my opinion, abusers at their core are simply bullys. They rough you up, take advantage of you constantly and their treatment of you just gets worse every time. A few times of suffering should probably give you the right idea that “hey, this is not going to change for the better, I better get the hell out!”

I think the big reason why abusers exist is because we allow them to exist. We take no action to stop them in their tracks, slap their snarly faces and tell them to fuck off or else. I believe that to stop a bully, you have to be a bigger, badder shit than the bully. Quoting from Rick Flair, “to be the man, you got to beat the man”.

If you equip your simple mind with such thoughts everyday, you will eventually figure out a way to stop your suffering from abuse. Some times it could be a stab in the fucker’s eye or a hard cold punch to the face or a kick in the nuts followed up with a barrage of kicks when that fucker’s down and out.

Then there is another abuse, the kind you suffer in work. It’s probably not a bright idea to knock your boss out since they pay for your upkeep. A more civilised manner will be to quit the job, find a new job and then knock that fucker out.

What I want to say is that you have a fucking choice. Don’t be a pussy not to take the hard way out. It is your own worthless life you have to think about. Since it’s already so full of shit, why the hell you want to make it worse by taking more shit than you have to?

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